Lifestyle Evaluation
Understanding what your typical day, and week looks like, helps in understanding your clothing needs. All waking hours are broken up activity wise to understand your lifestyle pattern which helps deciding the kind of wardrobe required and budgeting for the same.
Everybody is beautiful! It is not about what you wear but, how you wear it!
- Body Shape Evaluation Understand your body shape. Highlight what is good and hide any variation, that we all have. This session includes body shape evaluation and recommendations on dressing to look your best.
- Face Shape Evaluation Identify your face shape and variations of facial features. This helps in identifying the right hairstyle, accessories, makeup techniques (women) as per your face shape.
Color plays an important role in projecting the real you. This session includes personal color evaluation and recommendations on fashion color and color combinations to wear for personal, social and professional wear. Learn to harmonize your personal colors of skin, eyes and hair and fashion colors of garments and accessories to help accentuate your personality.